As 2018 comes to a close, we at IG are enjoying reflecting on a full, successful, and transformative year. As you may remember, we proclaimed 2018 the Year of Mindfulness. We found mindfulness to be a helpful tool as we grew as a staff, restructured our project teams, and relied on each other through challenges and busy times. With that in mind, here are our top 10 mindful moments from this year …
10. When we launched an all-staff training on diversity, equity, and inclusion by first taking a few meditative moments to center ourselves.
9. A beautiful spring day when we offered different ways for staff to practice mindfulness—and many people chose outdoor meditation.
8. When we decided to intentionally promote “abundance” with bountiful snack availability.
7. Gathering staff preferences on coffee and tea, which led to many new, delicious options.
6. All the times we nurtured gratitude through appreciations at staff meetings, in cards, and as we ended the year.
5. When we paused to think about the importance of trust in our role as consultants and reflected on when trust lived and died in our work.
4. Designing and debuting our Mindfulness Space at the American Evaluation Association conference in Cleveland.
3. An internal evaluation of our ways of providing support during a “crunch” time (the end of the Minnesota state fiscal year).
2. Including mindfulness tips in our office newsletter, the “Weekly Relief”
1. And … SULLY, the therapy dog (pictured right)! Sully came and visited our staff for an afternoon during a busy time of the year.
Thanks to all our clients and community partners for sharing your insights and experiences with us throughout 2018. See you in January!