As a result of the Improve Group’s partnership with Cecelia Dodge & Associates, LLC, we are offering a series of articles this fall that highlight the ways data can be used to improve instruction and transform schools for the achievement of ALL learners.
Key Components of Response to Intervention
Data review is one of the critical components of many efforts focusing on building tiered systems to help students with both academics and behaviors. Schools across the country are at various stages of implementing these systems, referred to as Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), or other locally created names. When implemented correctly, leaders expect these systems to transform schools into places where achievement is accelerated for all students. They have 5 key components:
1. Be clear about what we want students to learn and do (objectives)
2. Recognize when objectives are not met (evaluation)
3. Have a system of additional supports ready to be activated when necessary (plan)
4. Use the supports to intervene at a level appropriate to the student’s needs (act)
5. Loop back to the original objectives when necessary (reflect).
These components are met through high quality instruction, real-time student data, and clear decision-making processes that are informed by data. In our next blog posted tomorrow, Cecelia will describe the characteristics of high quality instruction and why it is necessary for successfully implementing responsive, tiered education systems. Following that, we’ll discuss the role of data and how we’re seeing districts make data-driven decisions.