Throughout her career, Trinity has focused on applying a human rights lens to academic research and work experiences. In supporting several research projects for the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center, Trinity gained experience in topics ranging from land digitalization and seizure, to LGBTQ+ rights advancement in the corporate sector, to human-induced environmental degradation. She applied skills in qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, and reporting for this work. At the Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation, Trinity gained experience supporting researchers to access valuable census data from other countries. She monitored and documented how various countries’ data was used to support reporting back to countries that contributed data. Trinity’s experience using a human rights lens in all of her work supports her in conducting equity-focused evaluation and consulting at The Improve Group.
Professional Experience
The Improve Group | St. Paul, MN | Associate Consultant | 2022-present | Work collaboratively with project team to complete activities to make the most of information, navigate complexity, and ensure clients’ investments of time and money lead to meaningful, sustained impact.
Human Rights Program, University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN | Communications/Administrative Support | 2021 | Supported communications, branding, and networking for the program to support the Program’s mission of advancing human rights scholarship, educating the next generation of human rights scholars and professionals, and engaging with serious human rights issues.
Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation | Minneapolis, MN | Research Intern | 2021 | Collected quantitative data on use of organization’s data and harmonized various national census survey and United Nations UNICEF MICS survey documents to support Institute’s mission to advance knowledge of societies and populations across time and space, including economic and demographic behavior, health, well-being, and human-environment interactions.
Human Rights Center, University of Minnesota Law School | Minneapolis, MN | Research and Communications Intern | 2021 | Performed quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis, and reporting on human rights issues.
University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics | Minneapolis, MN | Research Assistant | 2020-21 | Collected literature and statistical data, conducted analysis, wrote reports, and supported adherence to human subjects policies to support research of two professors.
University of Minnesota | Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics
Want to learn more about Trinity? Check out their full resume here!