We all need refreshers on current grammar and writing rules and expectations. The last time many of us had a writing course may have been college or earlier. After years of composing documents for business it is easy to get caught in a rut doing things the same way or doing things the wrong way.
The Improve Group staff relies on clear, well-executed documents in every aspect of our work. We write proposals, strategic plans, reports, social media content, and language for surveys and many other pieces that have to reach a myriad of audiences. So, recently a few of us refreshed our skills by attending a 2-day SkillPath Seminar, Business Writing and Grammar Made Easy and Fun!, presented by Richard Kronick. The course followed an 8-step business process:
- Get to know your readers and their needs
- Define your purpose
- Gather background information
- For larger documents, create a mind map
- Write a topic outline
- Free-write your first draft (then take a break from it)
- Edit and format to create your second draft
- Proofread to arrive at your final draft