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Research Tidbits series!
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This quote brings a smile to my face as I am reminded of my occasional trials and tribulations with technology. I have a feeling I’m not alone, although perhaps ‘insanity’ is a bit strong characterization! In the interest of preserving my fellow evaluators’ sanity, I’d like to share a tip that I recently picked up about importing and exporting charts.
Recently, I was working on a PowerPoint presentation and needed to import some charts from an Excel spreadsheet. These were user-defined charts with our specific color scheme (For some tips on how to make these types of charts, click
here.) I found that every time I imported the charts, the labels disappeared. I first tried to alter the chart size in Excel before I copied them over, but to no avail. Try as I might, I still had the same result. It struck me that perhaps others experienced this problem, too. I typed my problem into a quick web search and found out that this was indeed a problem with some user-defined charts. However, I learned that I could make a chart into a picture by clicking shift, accessing the edit menu and selecting “Copy Picture.” Voila! Problem solved.
My take-away messages from this experience are: 1) Yes, there IS an easier way to import Excel charts; and 2) if you’re having a problem with technology, chances are you are not alone. Type your problem into a web search and with luck, your problem will soon be solved.