Image of text that says "Using surveys for rapid response to COVID-19; Exploring the approach and findings from a COVID-19 Impact Study conducted in partnership with African Economic Development Solutions."
July 31, 2020 - 12:50pm

Headshot of Moira GaidzanwaAs we began seeing COVID-19 have more and more of an impact locally, we also began hearing from clients about its impacts to their work. I want to share a story about a partnership with a local nonprofit to use data to inform their COVID-19 community response.

Graphic of a person filling out a survey with the title of the article in the foreground "IG-ology: 6 Tips for Crafting Quality Surveys"
July 31, 2020 - 12:36pm

Headshots of Sara McGarraugh & Kassira AbsarHello!

Graphic of an evaluation report chart with the title of the article "Evaluation is more important now than ever"
June 29, 2020 - 7:05pm


As the world continues to confront the uncertainties and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, many governmental agencies, foundations, nonprofits, and businesses have shifted their energy and resources to rapid response efforts to the urgent and unexpected needs that have arisen in recent months.

Image that depicts strategic thinking occurring along with the statement "Strategic Planning in the age of COVID-19"
May 29, 2020 - 3:27pm

Here’s a situation you may be in right now: You, your colleagues, and stakeholders spent a lot of time and energy developing a thoughtful, forward-thinking strategic plan to guide your organization as it grows and evolves in the future.

Image of black piece of paper with a pen on top of it
May 29, 2020 - 1:54pm

It is with deep, profound sadness that we reflect on and honor the life of George Floyd, cut short by his murder at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. We once again need to voice that Black Lives Matter in a country that in so many dimensions threaten that value.

Collage of Images of The Improve Group staff working in the community with the title "Public Benefit Corporation 2019 Annual Report"
April 28, 2020 - 8:46pm

As an evaluation firm and a Minnesota Public Benefit Corporation, The Improve Group is dedicated to understanding and strengthening our impact. That’s why we’re so excited to share with you our 2019 Public Benefit Impact report!

An image including the logos of three focus group software: Adobe Connect, Zoom, and Focusgroupit
April 28, 2020 - 3:31pm

Portrait of Brita BlesiHi, I’m Brita Blesi, a Senior Consultant at The Improve Group. For this month’s IG-ology, I want to tell you about something that’s extra useful right now: virtual focus groups and engagement. While technology was long thought to be exclusive—because not everyone had the tools to participate —nowadays, technology can actually increase inclusion.

IG2020 Logo with the statement "Virtual Connections"; Other words such as Compassionate, Adaptable, and #SocialDistancing appear in different shades of darkness to convey the different ways connections will grow while we work in distant settings in response to COVID-19.
April 28, 2020 - 2:51pm

Life has changed so much in the past two months. It’s demanded of all of us an amplified mix of reflection, adaptability, compassion, willingness to jump in and do something, and patience to wait for the next change or new information to emerge.

Logo + Tagline
March 25, 2020 - 9:49am

Like all of you, we have been watching the COVID-19 situation closely and reflecting on its impact on our employees, our practice, and the communities and clients with whom we get to work.

Graphic that includes the title and an image of a mixer combing qualitative and quantitative data together.
February 27, 2020 - 8:55pm

Ellen Squires HeadshotHello! I am Ellen Squires, a Senior Consultant at The Improve Group, and the focus of this month’s IG-ology is on the value of using both quantitative and qualitative data to amplify the impact of evaluation findings.
